So I apologise for those 10 people that follow me on Blogger, and the other few that have a look when I post on facebook and twitter. I've not been on here in such a long time. It's not that I've given up on the blog it's just that I've been so bloody busy. Also to note is that I have moved into a new apartment and it doesn't have internet access, a major hurdle in the blog update situation.
So here it is, I'm back. The internet is to be installed a week today so I will be on this a lot more than before and will keep it regular. So what's been going on then I hear you cry, well here's a top 5 of what's been happening.
1. I moved! I was in a cool apartment with some cool people on the corner of east 7th and A but it was noisy and cramped. When my girlfriend moved over it literally got to the point where I was queuing for the bathroom in my own house. That's not her fault it's just that 5 people in a small house with one bathroom is way too much. The old place was great but the new place is mine and no Que's anymore!
The new place is just around the corner in the same neighbourhood. The wife and I (don't worry I'm not married, it's just a Watford term for the long term girlfriend) moved in around January and we couldn't be happier. It's quieter but not too quiet, Spacious, and generally a good area.
I now live close to the corner of Avenue C, better known as
Losiaida. It's predominantly a Spanish neighbourhood which back in the day (80s/90s) was a high crime ghetto. Nowadays it's becoming more and more gentrified and rather than high crime it's more tight jeans and prams. I love it and I love having my own place. Each month I am adding new bits to the apartment and it's becoming home. Here's a couple of
snaps of it.
2. I have been working a lot. Work has been pretty intense around here recently and it was killer around Christmas and January. So that plus moving meant I was all consumed. I have been doing well in this job though and I think the changes I have had to take on board have been pretty painless and in some cases quite natural. My last job was far more strategic and high level thinking but less involved. This job means I am far more hands on and a lot more ingrained into the finer details of a campaign. No more brush strokes folks it's about that finite detail. Good news is that I was personally mentioned for good strategic work by a client in the 4 month business review with top members of Carat.
3. The lil lady went back to the UK. With Clo going back to the UK for a while it meant that I was trying to preoccupy myself. I was out a lot! I was definitely not going to sit at home and mope about so I got out and got social. I went out with friends and colleagues and painted the town red. It was fun but time consuming and it did the trick because rather than moping about I was phoning Clo back home with a few drunk dials. ha! She has the picture to prove it. Not having Clo around is shit though so I'm very glad that is over and she's back.
4. Visitors. I have had a couple. One of my best buddies Mark came over and kept me company whilst Clo was away. Having visitors is actually pretty time consuming because you go out a lot. Normally when you go home you'd just whack the telly on and put your feet up but when you have a guest you push yourself to go out and occupy them. It was fun and I really enjoyed having one of my close friends over.
5. Back to Britain. I went home, and it was great. I really missed home and I loved being back. London is just a very different place to New York. People of Nyc ask me regularly what the difference is and if I'm honest I don't really know how to quantify it. I normally point out the mundane differences but generally I think it's just that London is home. For many years I struggled with the concept of where felt like home to me, in the last year of London I realised it was there.
Although London is home and it felt good to be home I also realised that I'm not meant to be there right now. I am meant to be in New York. I think I realised this when I was in London and thinking about New York. NYC is now home and I like the energy here, it's different but it's an energy I'm getting used to. I don't think I could stand to be away from London forever but I no that right now I'm not missing much in London. As ex pats often say, it'll always be there. I will go back to it one day but for now I am happy in New York and I think it took me a trip back to London to really understand that.
So that was then and this is now, I am back on the blogging and here are a couple of other things I want to get back into.
1. Writing. I miss writing and it comes and goes for me. I have times when I feel completely inspired to put pen to paper or keyboard to screen. Recently I think I have been in such a state of flux that I haven't had the time to listen to my soul. Sounds corny but ask many writers about that and they'll know what I mean. I will be back writing poetry, blogs, songs, and other endless rabbles soon.
2. Photography. I think having a photographer as a girlfriend has actually made me take less pics than normal. I have recently found some slides from when I was really enjoying photography. So I am going to invest in a camera and snap away. As I said, I wont be in New York forever and I will kick myself if I don't document it.
3. Diy Womp. It seems like a lifetime ago that Diy Womp was in my life. It's probably less than a year but it seems as though its been gone forever. I want it back and I am going to work on getting a professional blog up, a book, and perhaps an exhibition.
That's it from me for now. If you're on
Spotify then listen to this little relaxing playlist from me.
Thanks for reading.
It'll be more interesting next time.