Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Mad about Madmen

Oh ok, another boring blog about how good MadMen is... well no actually. This blog is about inspiration, and MadMen has inspired me.

I have watched all the episodes to date, and I am very excited about the new series beginning in the UK tonight. However, as a dedicated promoter of all things inspiring and fun, I have taken my fanaticism a little further than the average. I have involved my entire office and created MadMen day, which takes place next Friday.

The MadMen day will involve everyone in the office dressing up in 60s smart dress akin to that of the characters in the show. Now if you work in advertising you'll know that dressing up isn't something we do very often. When most offices have a dress down Friday, we just go to the pub on a Friday. It's a very different culture. So the prospect of dressing up in a suit and being Don Draper or Roger Sterling for the day has got me very excited!

I love the fashion on the show, it's classic and still clearly inspiring designers today. Note the way the suits are cut, and then look at the suits that Tom Ford designed last year. Stay tuned for pics of the whole office smoking, drinking whiskey, and looking super sharp.

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