So every now and then work inspires me to keep at what I do. It's not everyday, and it's certainly not when I am working in a dark office at the weekend. But every so often it does make me smile and make me want to keep at it as a career. This week just passed had one of those moments.
I was in Italy this week presenting to a room, far more experienced than myself, about how we as a company work in 2011. Was I nervous? A little. Was I relaxed? Not quite. I was somewhere between relaxed and nervous, in a state of reserved confidence. That's because the people I work with had told me they were very happy with the document I was to present, and that everything was going to go well.
The presentation lasted about an hour and there were questions throughout, but these were questions I had the answers for. I was prepared, calm, and delivering something people agreed to. The document was also interesting, something I think is essential when it's going to be presented. It needs to be interesting, visual, and contain just enough detail that people want to know what it's about but not so much detail that they read without listening to the speaker, me.
After the presentation we went to lunch, and within moments I was told by very senior colleagues that it was a great presentation. I smiled. The hardwork was worth it, and throughout the day I was complimented for the work I had done and the approach I had outlined.
People say talk is cheap, and they're right when it comes to the type of talk that disguised a lack of substance. However talk is never cheap when it comes in the form of a deserved compliment. I am not sat here feeling big headed, but I am sat here feeling confident that I can do the job I want to do and that's because of senior people taking the time out to compliment me.
So if you manage someone or you have people work for you then I insist you show them gratitude, because - if those people are like me - they will take pride in their work, and importantly work harder for you in the future.
That's it from me.
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